
ILLUSTRATOR ╳ Live2d ╳ Content creator 🇺🇸🇲🇽

Carrdco. Created by @Rainedink
Art Splash Created by @sorrowstalks

_________________________Welcome inklings.This website is for Rain's Streaming activities and contacts.If you are interested in commissioning artwork. Please refer to the links down below.

Oshi Mark 🖊️🦊
Artwork Tag: 🎨 #RainyInk
NSFW Art Tag: 🎨 #OnlySticks
Video/Clips Tag: 💻📎#Stickcult
Fan Name: Inkling


Born from tainted demon blood and placed with a human soul- no one thought it would create such a creature. Tying itself to a stick as a medium to outsmart demon hunters. As who would ever think a simple stick would be its catalyst.
Thus the land it was released into, soon became barren by its own consumption of hearts. Until one day there were no more humans to pray on... Soon enough years had gone by, keeping its horrid tales as a town run by plague. Which turned the small winter town as a sight of novelty.
To avoid any further deterioration, to carry on its mysterious story of human deaths, it was put in stasis. To be watched over by guardians and studied by scholars. Now, with the return of humans on its land… The yokai had awakened from its slumber, the attacks restarted.Using the knowledge of the new world, it manifested itself online…
What would happen if it met someone who could understand it? Would the demon continue to devour, or would they be able to find peace?

Derivative Works Guidelines

I took this from hololive. don't sue me ty


• Rainedink's Team. (hereinafter to be referred to as “We”, “Us”, or “Our” as the case may be) has established these guidelines for the creation and use of derivative works so that fans may have the peace of mind to be able to enjoy our content in as many different forms as possible.When creating derivative works that comply with these overall guidelines, there is no need to contact us for permission.For derivative works that do not fall under any specified categories, please refer to the overall guidelines. For works based on our music content and/or clips, please also refer to the separate category guidelines.

Definition of Derivative Works

• We consider derivative works to be creations born of fans’ ideas and creativity, based on content created by us.
• We will not exercise our rights in regards to works that we deem to be derivative works, as long as they comply with these overall guidelines.
Please note that we may use any derivative works you create as stream thumbnails, on social media, etc.• We do not consider the use of our content as is, or with modifications lacking creative input, to be classified as derivative works. Such use does not fall within the scope of these guidelines.

Our Requests

Please comply with the following guidelines regarding derivative works.

  • Please be mindful of Rain, and refrain from creating derivative works that they may find unpleasant.

  • Please limit your creation of derivative works to a fan or hobby level. Do not use our content for business purposes (including, but not limited to, cases where a business bears the production costs, etc., even if it is under the name of an individual), or for purposes that can be deemed as for-profit.

  • Please comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including the terms and rules of any relevant platforms.

  • Please refrain from creating derivative works that fall under the following categories:

  • Content that is falsely represented as official, or can be misinterpreted or mistaken as official

  • Content that is contradictory to public order and morality, or exceeds what is socially acceptable

  • Content that includes matters pertaining to any particular ideology, belief, religion, or politics

Guidelines for Clips


• For clips making use of our content, please refer to both the clip guidelines and overall guidelines.
Should the clip contain any third-party IPs, copyrights, or such, please ensure that you follow the rights holder’s guidelines and/or terms of use. Additionally, please understand that we will not respond to any individual queries regarding such guidelines and/or terms.
The clip and overall guidelines do not apply to clips featuring paid content, i.e. members-only videos, Patreon Content/footage, etc. We forbid the use of such content unless express permission is granted beforehand.


• We will not interfere with the use of partner programs or creator programs on video sharing sites such as YouTube, Niconico, etc., any advertising revenue earned thereof, or any other monetization schemes offered by such sites, provided that the aforementioned guidelines, said sharing sites’ terms of use, and all third-party guidelines are adhered to, and no IPs or copyrights are infringed upon.
We forbid the registration of any created or submitted clips with Content ID, or any other automated identification system, as your own work.

Our Requests

Please comply with the following guidelines regarding derivative works.

  • Please list the following information at the start of the clip’s description; Rainedink's Social Twitter, Rainedink's Social Twitch or/and Youtube, Channels.

  • Please do not upload full VODS if not given permission for.

  • Please understand that we may initiate takedown procedures regarding a clip based on its content, thumbnail, and/or other factors if it doesn't meet with our guidelines.

Character Reference

Will only be used for references to create your own Artwork, edits, memes.
You are not to state that these Images are your own work.
Click Images to ENLARGE

These are all Active Model Art of Rainedink.

Quick Notes

Rain's Character can be drawn in any gender.Male, female, or other due to the indecisive matter of the Artist and whatever I'm feeling to use.
I do not represent the LGBTQ+ Community, I'm happy to support such however I'm Female IRL. I feel uncomfortable when people call me Non-binary or Trans as I'm not such.
•TLDR: I just like to be a pretty Ikemen cause I like yaoi. Ty for coming to my ted talk.

More outfits soon to come.

Fun Designs

For the heeee's and haaa's

Classic Design



Thank you to all those who have helped and continue to support Rainedink.
Please, check into those who helped me come to life.



Female Rig
Stick Rig


Model Artist


Male Rig

Stream Assets

These folks helped me set up the view I had for my channel. It took a bit of time, jumping from artist to artist to commission their specialty. I Frankenstein my stream assets together on how I like, some artists I only order a gaming screen, and others the background to go behind it- Thus I can place them together.Thank you all for working with me and keeping up with my ideas.

Currently with the rebranding, These credits will decrease as I'm still working on redoing many assets myself.

LOGO VECTOR@mezamizu   
ALERT GRAPHICS@playful haru   
START-ENDING ARTWORK@Jubako_urara@sorrowtalks  
PIXEL OVERLAYS@studio ritter   
MUSIC + ALERTS@rhymecosta@garett_hill@bilal studio@maulana malik ibrahim
BLOB MODEL@jimmykuka   

and you
the viewer